By supporting SNCKC, you’re not only contributing to the health and well-being of individual pets, but also helping to alleviate the strain on animal shelters and reduce the number of homeless animals in your community.

For more information or to initiate a sponsorship, please contact Tracy Lewandowski, Program Administrator

513-260-6777 |

Sponsorship Opportunities

  • Surgery for 25 Cats

    Surgery for 25 Cats

    Mentioned in a social media post and shared by all SNCKC participating organizations.

  • Surgery for 25 Dogs

    Social media post shared by all SNCKC participating organizations.

  • Community Partner

    Two social media posts shared by all SNCKC participating organizations and have your name & logo on our website for one year.

  • Pregnant Pet Help Line Sponsor

    Four social media posts shared by all SNCKC participating organizations, have your name & logo on our Pregnant Pet Help Line page for one year, and have the opportunity to give our a flyer, coupon, or sample to all pet owners who attend a SNCKC event throughout the year.

  • Presenting Sponsor

    - Four social media posts shared by all SNCKC participating organizations
    - Name & logo on our event scheduling page AND our Pregnant Pet Help Line page for one year
    - Opportunity to give out a flyer, coupon, or sample to all pet owners who attend a SNCKC event throughout the year
    - Logo and designation as presenting sponsor on all SNCKC marketing materials